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Cocaine Street Names

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You’d been worried about your partner recently. They’d started having weird routines in the evening, often coming home late and acting a bit off when they did. You knew that they’d had issues with cocaine use a few years ago, but they’d left it behind and told you they planned on staying away from drugs. Now, however, some of their behaviors were making you suspicious.

You didn’t want to jump the gun and decided to try and gather some evidence first. You hated that you were sneaking around a bit to do it, but then you overheard a conversation your partner was having on the phone. They asked if their friend had gotten some “rock” for their next hangout. It didn’t sound completely out of place, but it felt weird in that context. Was this a code word for cocaine?

Nearly 1 million people in California over the age of 12 reported using cocaine within the past year. Our team here at Pacific Sands knows how stressful it can be when you’re concerned about a loved one and aren’t sure what to do, wondering if your concern is warranted. When someone is talking secretively around you or is using code words or street names, what do you do? 

That’s what we’re here to answer in today’s blog. With our solution-focused approach and hands-on mindset, we like to help the community by answering some of these common questions and offering our insight and support. So let’s dive into cocaine street names, why they exist, and what you can do if you hear your loved one using them.

What is a Street Name?

The term “street name” refers to the vernacular used to discuss something in a way that hides its true meaning. It’s another word or nickname typically assigned to an illicit substance. 

Why Do Street Names Exist?

Street names generally exist for drugs as a way to talk about them so others don’t know, while also being able to pinpoint others who are also looking for substances. Since many substances are illegal or are being used in illicit means, utilizing street names helps lessen the chance of being found out by others.

cocaine street name

How Can You Tell if Something is a “Street Name” or Code Word for Cocaine?

Not every street name for cocaine is commonly known by the public. If every street name was common knowledge, they wouldn’t be very effective street names. Also, much like how there can be local dialects and accents, there can be very localized street names for cocaine and other substances.

How, then, can you possibly pinpoint a street name when someone else is using it? Here are a few tips we recommend to keep in mind.

  • Pay attention to the context – If a word sounds off in a sentence, replace it with “cocaine” and see if that makes it make sense. This isn’t foolproof, but it can help.
  • Think about the word that sounds off – Looking at street name trends, they tend to correlate with the drug in some way, or evolve from other street names. Street names like coca and rock can correlate to the form and origin of cocaine, while names like nose candy or white lady rely more on how it’s consumed and its appearance. 
  • Google the word – Urban Dictionary, Reddit, and other user base-run communities can sometimes shed light on current trends and give you better insight on whether what you heard is indeed a street name. 

Are There Any Known Street Names for Cocaine?

There are several sources online that list some of the “known” street names for cocaine. These are primarily government-based websites that offer information to law enforcement and other individuals such as those in the health service industry. These street names are “known,” but it doesn’t mean they’re the only street names out there for cocaine.

Some of the street names mentioned in US-based websites include snow, coke, blow, coca, flake, and soda cot. A site from the Australian government mentions other street names like coca puffs, Charlie, toot, Vitamin C, glass, white lady, and nose candy.

Knowing street names from other countries can be relevant. The internet connects us all, so street names can easily pass over “borders.”

Are There Different Street Names for Specific Kinds of Cocaine?

Some street names are specific to certain kinds of cocaine. This primarily includes crack cocaine, which is a form of cocaine made by dissolving cocaine in water and then boiling it until it forms a solid substance. The known street names for crack include badrock, crumbs, hail, hard ball, ice cube, nuggets, raw, sleet, and snow coke. 

Sometimes there are street names for cocaine when it’s combined with other substances. Here are a few of the more common combinations.

  • Cocaine and heroin – Belushi, Bombita, or Speedball
  • Cocaine and PCP – Space or Whack
  • Cocaine and marijuana – Bazooka
cocaine slang terms

I Heard My Loved One Use a Street Name for Cocaine – Now What?

Hearing your loved one talk about substance use, or finding a substance in their possession, can be terrifying. Whether it confirms your worst fears, or it was a total shock, it’s never an easy situation to process and approach.

If you’re able to, take time to think about it, how it makes you feel, and what your biggest wants and concerns are. If you blindly approach the conversation, it can be easy to get heated or flustered if you’re uncertain about what you want to say. When you’re ready, try this 3-step process for that conversation:

  1. Ask them about their substance use – judgment-free. Substance use is a very complex situation that stems from many things that vary from person to person. There is a good chance that your loved one is well aware of how others feel about what they’re doing, and they might even hate the loop they’re stuck in themselves. Sometimes people feel trapped or don’t want to disappoint their loved ones. Either way, you don’t know what’s going through their head or what internal battles they may be fighting.
  1. Listen to what they have to say.  Be open and willing to hear them out and listen, your loved one is going to be more receptive to listening to you in return. Remind them that you care and you want what’s best for them. Tell them what concerns you specifically and ask them if they have any concerns of their own.
  1. Offer to help. Seeking out treatment is a huge step, and it can seem massively overwhelming. Offer to sit down and do research with them, to call the place for them, or even drive them to their first appointment or check-in. Having another person to lean on during this process can make it less intimidating.

The Treatment for Cocaine Addiction in California

When you’re seeking treatment for a cocaine use disorder, the main options include detox as well as inpatient and outpatient treatment. A cocaine detox program seeks to provide medical support as you manage potential withdrawal symptoms and cravings. The goal is to help ensure you have a safe withdrawal from cocaine use so you can focus on your recovery.

Inpatient allows for you to stay on-site, normally for a few weeks, to focus on your treatment. This can work particularly well for those who might have triggers in their home life that could impede their recovery while they’re getting started. It can also be beneficial for those who might be seeking new housing after treatment or have other home life adjustments that need to be made.

Outpatient treatment can be utilized in two different ways. It’s often an extension of inpatient, helping people make a smoother transition from inpatient to home life. It provides ongoing support while you address potential real-life obstacles or triggers.

Outpatient care can also be utilized for those who need to continue working during treatment, or need to be with family while undergoing treatment. It still provides many of the same therapy and program options as inpatient care, but on a slightly different schedule.

Our team at Pacific Sands is here to help. We offer a comprehensive treatment program for those looking to step away from substance use and onto a path of healing. If you have any questions about our treatment programs, insurance, or anything else at all – don’t hesitate to give us a call anytime at 949-426-7962. Pacific Sands: The first step towards a new life.

You’d been worried about your partner recently. They’d started having weird routines in the evening, often coming home late and acting a bit off when they did. You knew that they’d had issues with cocaine use a few years ago, but they’d left it behind and told you they planned on staying away from drugs. Now, however, some of their behaviors were making you suspicious.

You didn’t want to jump the gun and decided to try and gather some evidence first. You hated that you were sneaking around a bit to do it, but then you overheard a conversation your partner was having on the phone. They asked if their friend had gotten some “rock” for their next hangout. It didn’t sound completely out of place, but it felt weird in that context. Was this a code word for cocaine?

Nearly 1 million people in California over the age of 12 reported using cocaine within the past year. Our team here at Pacific Sands knows how stressful it can be when you’re concerned about a loved one and aren’t sure what to do, wondering if your concern is warranted. When someone is talking secretively around you or is using code words or street names, what do you do? 

That’s what we’re here to answer in today’s blog. With our solution-focused approach and hands-on mindset, we like to help the community by answering some of these common questions and offering our insight and support. So let’s dive into cocaine street names, why they exist, and what you can do if you hear your loved one using them.

What is a Street Name?

The term “street name” refers to the vernacular used to discuss something in a way that hides its true meaning. It’s another word or nickname typically assigned to an illicit substance. 

Why Do Street Names Exist?

Street names generally exist for drugs as a way to talk about them so others don’t know, while also being able to pinpoint others who are also looking for substances. Since many substances are illegal or are being used in illicit means, utilizing street names helps lessen the chance of being found out by others.

cocaine street name

How Can You Tell if Something is a “Street Name” or Code Word for Cocaine?

Not every street name for cocaine is commonly known by the public. If every street name was common knowledge, they wouldn’t be very effective street names. Also, much like how there can be local dialects and accents, there can be very localized street names for cocaine and other substances.

How, then, can you possibly pinpoint a street name when someone else is using it? Here are a few tips we recommend to keep in mind.

  • Pay attention to the context – If a word sounds off in a sentence, replace it with “cocaine” and see if that makes it make sense. This isn’t foolproof, but it can help.
  • Think about the word that sounds off – Looking at street name trends, they tend to correlate with the drug in some way, or evolve from other street names. Street names like coca and rock can correlate to the form and origin of cocaine, while names like nose candy or white lady rely more on how it’s consumed and its appearance. 
  • Google the word – Urban Dictionary, Reddit, and other user base-run communities can sometimes shed light on current trends and give you better insight on whether what you heard is indeed a street name. 

Are There Any Known Street Names for Cocaine?

There are several sources online that list some of the “known” street names for cocaine. These are primarily government-based websites that offer information to law enforcement and other individuals such as those in the health service industry. These street names are “known,” but it doesn’t mean they’re the only street names out there for cocaine.

Some of the street names mentioned in US-based websites include snow, coke, blow, coca, flake, and soda cot. A site from the Australian government mentions other street names like coca puffs, Charlie, toot, Vitamin C, glass, white lady, and nose candy.

Knowing street names from other countries can be relevant. The internet connects us all, so street names can easily pass over “borders.”

Are There Different Street Names for Specific Kinds of Cocaine?

Some street names are specific to certain kinds of cocaine. This primarily includes crack cocaine, which is a form of cocaine made by dissolving cocaine in water and then boiling it until it forms a solid substance. The known street names for crack include badrock, crumbs, hail, hard ball, ice cube, nuggets, raw, sleet, and snow coke. 

Sometimes there are street names for cocaine when it’s combined with other substances. Here are a few of the more common combinations.

  • Cocaine and heroin – Belushi, Bombita, or Speedball
  • Cocaine and PCP – Space or Whack
  • Cocaine and marijuana – Bazooka
cocaine slang terms

I Heard My Loved One Use a Street Name for Cocaine – Now What?

Hearing your loved one talk about substance use, or finding a substance in their possession, can be terrifying. Whether it confirms your worst fears, or it was a total shock, it’s never an easy situation to process and approach.

If you’re able to, take time to think about it, how it makes you feel, and what your biggest wants and concerns are. If you blindly approach the conversation, it can be easy to get heated or flustered if you’re uncertain about what you want to say. When you’re ready, try this 3-step process for that conversation:

  1. Ask them about their substance use – judgment-free. Substance use is a very complex situation that stems from many things that vary from person to person. There is a good chance that your loved one is well aware of how others feel about what they’re doing, and they might even hate the loop they’re stuck in themselves. Sometimes people feel trapped or don’t want to disappoint their loved ones. Either way, you don’t know what’s going through their head or what internal battles they may be fighting.
  1. Listen to what they have to say.  Be open and willing to hear them out and listen, your loved one is going to be more receptive to listening to you in return. Remind them that you care and you want what’s best for them. Tell them what concerns you specifically and ask them if they have any concerns of their own.
  1. Offer to help. Seeking out treatment is a huge step, and it can seem massively overwhelming. Offer to sit down and do research with them, to call the place for them, or even drive them to their first appointment or check-in. Having another person to lean on during this process can make it less intimidating.

The Treatment for Cocaine Addiction in California

When you’re seeking treatment for a cocaine use disorder, the main options include detox as well as inpatient and outpatient treatment. A cocaine detox program seeks to provide medical support as you manage potential withdrawal symptoms and cravings. The goal is to help ensure you have a safe withdrawal from cocaine use so you can focus on your recovery.

Inpatient allows for you to stay on-site, normally for a few weeks, to focus on your treatment. This can work particularly well for those who might have triggers in their home life that could impede their recovery while they’re getting started. It can also be beneficial for those who might be seeking new housing after treatment or have other home life adjustments that need to be made.

Outpatient treatment can be utilized in two different ways. It’s often an extension of inpatient, helping people make a smoother transition from inpatient to home life. It provides ongoing support while you address potential real-life obstacles or triggers.

Outpatient care can also be utilized for those who need to continue working during treatment, or need to be with family while undergoing treatment. It still provides many of the same therapy and program options as inpatient care, but on a slightly different schedule.

Our team at Pacific Sands is here to help. We offer a comprehensive treatment program for those looking to step away from substance use and onto a path of healing. If you have any questions about our treatment programs, insurance, or anything else at all – don’t hesitate to give us a call anytime at 949-426-7962. Pacific Sands: The first step towards a new life.

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