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Cocaine Withdrawals

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You’ve used cocaine on and off for years. It started when you were young at college parties as a way to enjoy your nights, but as an adult, it became more of a form of stress relief. With a promotion upcoming on your job and your hopes to better yourself financially, you want to stop taking cocaine now.

You assumed it would be no big deal, but you started experiencing side effects. Your anxiety has been through the roof, you’ve been experiencing mood swings, and to top it off you’re dead tired all of the time. Are you experiencing cocaine withdrawals?

Withdrawals are very often the starting place of a client’s recovery journey. This is normal and something our team here at Pacific Sands is well-equipped to manage. With our intimate setting, clients get hands-on, active attention from our staff to ensure their safety and well-being during their stay here. We believe in open honesty here because we want to set you up for success. Today we’re going to look at cocaine withdrawals, how they happen, and what can be done to manage them during recovery. 

What Is Cocaine Withdrawal and What Causes It?

Withdrawal occurs anytime the body becomes accustomed to a substance that impacts the way it functions. In the case of cocaine, this can refer to how it impacts dopamine levels and more. Our bodies are very adaptable and can grow used to these substances being around. This is often why people build a “tolerance” to a substance. 

When this substance is then removed from the body and is no longer regularly consumed, the body has to undergo the process of adjusting to the substance not being there anymore. This process can often cause side effects, especially cravings when it comes to certain drugs like cocaine. This adjustment process is known as withdrawal. 

Is Cocaine Withdrawal Dangerous?

The biggest risk of withdrawals is often the vicious cycle of use continuing. Many times withdrawal from substances like cocaine comes with cravings. Instead of getting through the withdrawal period, many people give in to cravings. This can perpetuate a cocaine use disorder and also increase the chances of experiencing a cocaine overdose.

Additionally, long-term cocaine use can lead to the increased potential for side effects like seizures, stroke, kidney failure, and heart disease. 

symptoms of cocaine withdrawal

What Are the Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal?

Cocaine withdrawal comes with a myriad of potential symptoms and side effects that impact the body and the mind. The most common symptoms include:

  • Paranoia
  • Mood swings
  • Exhaustion
  • Irritability
  • General discomfort
  • Increased symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Cravings
  • Disrupted sleep
  • The inability to experience pleasure 

These symptoms do not last forever, especially with the help of medical professionals. 

Is Medical Detox Necessary for Cocaine Withdrawal?

It is always best to discuss with a medical professional if medical detox would be beneficial for you on your recovery journey. Some of the benefits of a medical detox include having a well-trained staff nearby to help with any extreme side effects of cocaine withdrawal, as well as potential medications and other coping skills to manage symptoms and keep you safe. 

What Is the Timeline of Cocaine Withdrawal?

The exact timeline of cocaine withdrawal cannot be narrowed down to the second. It can vary depending on the person’s history of substance use, their age, and even their metabolism. We do have a decent idea, however.

Symptoms usually start within 6-12 hours of last use. Generally, it occurs in 3 phases overall. 

The first phase is known as the “crash.” This lasts for a few days and generally includes feelings of depression, anxiety, and extreme exhaustion, and is rounded off with cravings.

The next phase usually lasts for several weeks and can overlap with the first. This main phase of withdrawal includes more cravings, low energy, agitation, disrupted sleeping patterns, and the perceived inability to experience pleasure. 

Finally, these side effects start to go away. You will get your energy back, your anxiety will decrease, and you will feel pleasure again. This can take several months for them to fully return, but with the help of therapy and treatment as a whole, your healing path will get you back to the place you want to be.

managing cocaine detox effects

Get Treatment for Cocaine Addiction Now at Pacific Sands

If you’re wanting to step away from cocaine use and are seeking recovery options, Pacific Sands has you covered. Nearly 100,000 California residents received treatment for substance use disorders in 2019 alone. This is not a journey you have to walk by yourself. We offer everything from cocaine detox to inpatient services to assist you on your healing journey. With our director on-site nearly every week, our whole team is dedicated to working with you to reach your addiction recovery goals.

Our team here at Pacific Sands wants to help you reach your addiction recovery goals. Give us a call anytime at 949-426-7962 and we can get you started. 

You’ve used cocaine on and off for years. It started when you were young at college parties as a way to enjoy your nights, but as an adult, it became more of a form of stress relief. With a promotion upcoming on your job and your hopes to better yourself financially, you want to stop taking cocaine now.

You assumed it would be no big deal, but you started experiencing side effects. Your anxiety has been through the roof, you’ve been experiencing mood swings, and to top it off you’re dead tired all of the time. Are you experiencing cocaine withdrawals?

Withdrawals are very often the starting place of a client’s recovery journey. This is normal and something our team here at Pacific Sands is well-equipped to manage. With our intimate setting, clients get hands-on, active attention from our staff to ensure their safety and well-being during their stay here. We believe in open honesty here because we want to set you up for success. Today we’re going to look at cocaine withdrawals, how they happen, and what can be done to manage them during recovery. 

What Is Cocaine Withdrawal and What Causes It?

Withdrawal occurs anytime the body becomes accustomed to a substance that impacts the way it functions. In the case of cocaine, this can refer to how it impacts dopamine levels and more. Our bodies are very adaptable and can grow used to these substances being around. This is often why people build a “tolerance” to a substance. 

When this substance is then removed from the body and is no longer regularly consumed, the body has to undergo the process of adjusting to the substance not being there anymore. This process can often cause side effects, especially cravings when it comes to certain drugs like cocaine. This adjustment process is known as withdrawal. 

Is Cocaine Withdrawal Dangerous?

The biggest risk of withdrawals is often the vicious cycle of use continuing. Many times withdrawal from substances like cocaine comes with cravings. Instead of getting through the withdrawal period, many people give in to cravings. This can perpetuate a cocaine use disorder and also increase the chances of experiencing a cocaine overdose.

Additionally, long-term cocaine use can lead to the increased potential for side effects like seizures, stroke, kidney failure, and heart disease. 

symptoms of cocaine withdrawal

What Are the Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal?

Cocaine withdrawal comes with a myriad of potential symptoms and side effects that impact the body and the mind. The most common symptoms include:

  • Paranoia
  • Mood swings
  • Exhaustion
  • Irritability
  • General discomfort
  • Increased symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Cravings
  • Disrupted sleep
  • The inability to experience pleasure 

These symptoms do not last forever, especially with the help of medical professionals. 

Is Medical Detox Necessary for Cocaine Withdrawal?

It is always best to discuss with a medical professional if medical detox would be beneficial for you on your recovery journey. Some of the benefits of a medical detox include having a well-trained staff nearby to help with any extreme side effects of cocaine withdrawal, as well as potential medications and other coping skills to manage symptoms and keep you safe. 

What Is the Timeline of Cocaine Withdrawal?

The exact timeline of cocaine withdrawal cannot be narrowed down to the second. It can vary depending on the person’s history of substance use, their age, and even their metabolism. We do have a decent idea, however.

Symptoms usually start within 6-12 hours of last use. Generally, it occurs in 3 phases overall. 

The first phase is known as the “crash.” This lasts for a few days and generally includes feelings of depression, anxiety, and extreme exhaustion, and is rounded off with cravings.

The next phase usually lasts for several weeks and can overlap with the first. This main phase of withdrawal includes more cravings, low energy, agitation, disrupted sleeping patterns, and the perceived inability to experience pleasure. 

Finally, these side effects start to go away. You will get your energy back, your anxiety will decrease, and you will feel pleasure again. This can take several months for them to fully return, but with the help of therapy and treatment as a whole, your healing path will get you back to the place you want to be.

managing cocaine detox effects

Get Treatment for Cocaine Addiction Now at Pacific Sands

If you’re wanting to step away from cocaine use and are seeking recovery options, Pacific Sands has you covered. Nearly 100,000 California residents received treatment for substance use disorders in 2019 alone. This is not a journey you have to walk by yourself. We offer everything from cocaine detox to inpatient services to assist you on your healing journey. With our director on-site nearly every week, our whole team is dedicated to working with you to reach your addiction recovery goals.

Our team here at Pacific Sands wants to help you reach your addiction recovery goals. Give us a call anytime at 949-426-7962 and we can get you started. 

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